We have added a new category called - Attitude Control & Determination Systems. This category consists of critical components that are responsible for maintaining and accurately determining the orientation, and attitude of satellites and spacecraft in space.
SatNow has listed 239 attitude control and determination system products from leading manufacturers. Our Parametric search tool can narrow down products based on the user's requirements. So let's say you are looking for an ADCS - You can specify component, satellite type, mass, torque, momentum, pointing accuracy, supply voltage, power consumption, and various other parameters - our search tool will find products that meet these specifications from multiple manufacturer catalogs.
All RFQs are routed to the manufacturer or their distributors in your region, who will get back to you with the requested information.
We have made a browse page for attitude control and determination systems where components are listed so that companies and space organizations can use them to build their own ACDS system. Given below are the following components -
Click here to see the browse page of Attitude Control & Determination Systems.