The C-Band Receiver from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation s a GNSS Receiver with an input frequency range of 5.9-6.7 GHz and an output frequency of 3.4-4.2 GHz. It has a usable bandwidth of 800 MHz and a frequency stability of +/- 1.7 ppm. The receiver has a gain value of 56 dB and a gain flatness of less than 1.2 dB. It has an input level of -43 dBm and a noise figure value of 1.3 dB. This GNSS receiver features a low noise figure and has an outstanding spurious rejection. It has a mass of 1.2 kg and measures 160 x 90 x 140 mm. This GNSS receiver is designed for wide bandwidth and has a high frequency stability which has a space heritage for ST-2 and Turksat missions.