The FC2 from Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company (EBAD) is a Launch Vehicle Actuator with an actuator mass of 25 g. It has a power consumption of 25 W and draws a current of 0.9A. This actuator requires a supply voltage of 26-36 V and can support a maximum load of 3781 N. It has a function time of 30 s (at 28 V) and a minimum life of 60 cycles/min. This actuator provides a simple and effective non-pyrotechnic separation system between two components or structures. It features a redundant firing circuit and is comprised of a machined SMA cylinder, encapsulated with redundant resistive heaters and embedded RTDs. The whole assembly is then wrapped in a silicone rubber compound to provide both thermal and electrical isolation. This FC2 actuator has a resistance of 31 ohms and is ideal for solar array and instrument deployment, instrument launch locks, optic covers, and other space applications.