The v100NX from Intellian is a Satellite Terminal designed for satellite tracking across LEO, MEO and GEO constellations. It has a transmitter frequency 13.75-14.5 GHz and a receiver frequency 10.7-12.75 GHz. This VSAT antenna system has a Tx gain of 40.2 dBi and an Rx gain of 40.7 dBi. It has an unlimited azimuth range and has a reflector diameter of 105 cm. This VSAT terminal has a circular and dual-polarized reflector and has a G/T of 20 dB/K. It has an elevation range of -20 to 115 degrees and a cross-level range of +/- 37 deg. It supports ethernet port, RS-232C, RS-422C and console range of modem interface formats. The VSAT antenna system features an embedded dual modem mediator and Wi-Fi support. It also has dynamic motor brakes with integrated encoders, Main Control Unit (MCU) and skew assembly. It requires an AC supply voltage of 100-240 V and a maximum BUC power of up to 100 W. It has a mass of with 5.2 kg and measures 43.1 x 35.0 x 4.4 cm for the antenna control unit.