Company: ISRO

India developed the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark II (GSLV Mk II) as a cryogenic third-stage launch vehicle for communication satellites into geo transfer orbit. Cryogenic stages originally provided by Russian GK were utilized. A later cryogenic stage was created locally and introduced starting with GSLV D5 in January 2014. This fourth generation launch vehicle is in operation and consists of three stages and four liquid strap-ons. The third stage of the GSLV Mk II is the locally produced Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS), which has been proven in flight. The vehicle has had six successful runs since January 2014.

Rocket / Launch Vehicle Specifications

First FlightApril 18, 2001
First Flight With Indigenous Cryo Stage January 5, 2014
Height51.73 m (With Ogive PLF)
Lift Off Mass420 tonnes
No Boosters4 L40 Hs
Number Of Stages3
Payload To GTO2250 Kg
Payload To LEO6000 Kg
Payload To SSO3000 Kg (6600 lb)