Sodern draws on more than fifty years of experience in optronics and neutron technology to design innovative and competitive solutions for stakeholders in space, defense, industry, and research. Pioneering in star trackers and neutron systems for analyzing and detecting materials, Sodern is internationally recognized for its expertise in very high-technology equipment.
Sodern enables missions to put their spirit to the benefits of security and exploration for both Earth and Space. Their space solutions contribute to successful missions for their customers. These lead to a better understanding of the climate, Internet access for everyone, geolocation tools, reasoned architecture, and other essential day-to-day services.
Space Cameras & Earth/Horizon Sensors
Navigation, observation, space surveillance, intruder detection, rendez-vous, monitoring, and more. Sodern develops and produces tailor-made cameras which are adapted to all missions. They set their experience to work for the world’s main space and defense agencies, international satellite manufacturers, start-ups, and newcomers into the space market.
Star Trackers
Sodern offers the widest range of star trackers which are adapted to all missions, budgets, satellite platforms, and orbits. From low Earth orbit to deep space, their star trackers benefit from a long flight experience, at the service of the largest space agencies and the main satellite manufacturers in the world, but also start-ups and new space constellations.
Click here to learn more about Sodern's AURIGA star tracker.
Click here to know more about Sodern's HYDRA star tracker.