The RH304T from Mercury Systems is a Solid State Recorder with a SLC NAND flash memory of 4.5 TB. This SSDR supports an SRIO interface running at 3.125 Gbps and a dual port that reads/writes at 16 Gbps. It requires a supply voltage of 4.5-5.5 V and has a power consumption of 7-25 W. The SSDR uses an RTG-4-based NAND processor and controller and has a radiation tolerance of TID of greater than 100 krads and a Single-event latch-up (SEL) immunity to LET greater than 103 MeV.cm²/mg. It weighs less than 750 grams and measures 160 x 100 mm (3U form factor). The RH304T is ideal for applications such as LEO satellites, launch vehicles, scientific missions, high-altitude aircraft, and mission-critical ground computing subsystems.